Monday, September 04, 2006

End of Summer

Here are some pictures from the summer. There are some more at Flickr.

Crafts with Auntie Sarah, and my sisters and I before my cousins wedding.

The "froggy jump" ride at Toronto Island is all Morgan could talk about since we went two years ago. It lived up to the expectations she had in her head, and she went on it twice with Devin.

There is a playground at our local park that the girls refer to as the "Dinosaur Park"; you can see why. It was all to much for Ella, and she had a lovely snooze while they played.

Tonight is the last night before school starts, so I thought I'd better get a couple of pictures up from the summer before we get back into school routines and hit the ground running. This summer really flew by. It feels like I blinked and its over.

It was a really busy one and a sad one as well; losing Fury. Montreal for the wedding, then both my sisters were here for our cousins' wedding, a trip to Toronto Island, and a whole lot of doctors appointments; not to mention the fact that my tiny baby is now half a year old. How on earth did that happen. I so clearly remember as a child that time dragged on for ever; and now I don't know where the time goes from one week to the next.

I think we are mostly ready to tackle the new year, and I'm just waiting for the registration papers to come from the pre-school for Paige; she starts next I think.

Ella saw the eye doctor last week, and at this time her eyes look great, we just have to make sure to keep her right eye well lubricated. We go back in three months to have the muscles of her eye checked. Next appointment is the ENT next week.

xxoo to all.

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

I had such an awesome time, and seeing the pictures, bring aback all those memories!
Lots of Love,