Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Introducing Princess Belle

We have a new family member:

Maggie has been quite lonely without any animal companionship, so we thought that she might like some feline companionship. Since she thinks that she is a dog, she isn't quite sure about this whole plan, and the two are ignoring each other. They have been separated but after the all clear from the vet today, Belle has the run of the house. There was quite a lot of spitting earlier and much to my surprise Maggie was being quite a bully. When there are strange cats on our porch she comes running for me, but I guess inside her house is a whole other matter.
Belle came from the SPCA, and our vet thinks that she is about a year old. Her disposition seems very sweet, and she really likes the kids. They named her, can you tell?? :) I'll keep you all posted.....


Country Girl said...

Very White and Fluffly! Hope she fits if with the rest of the family :)

TGS said...

SOOO cute!!! Definitly worthy of the title ;)

Anonymous said...

Belle's lovely! if they don't "bond" straightaway, try catnip...nothing like getting high together to make cats friends I find!