Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Poor Ella Bazoo

As if an ear infection wasn't enough; when I went to put Ella in the tub last night, she was covered in a lovely rash all over her tummy and back. I called the after hours line, and the registered nurse told me that she has an "amoxicillan rash" which is quite common and does not indicate a penicillin allergy. She is to keep taking the medicine and the rash will go away on its own. She probably won't develop the rash again. Poor little muffin though!
Morgan has her first dictee (spelling test) today, we worked really hard on learning the words so I can't wait to see how she did. I'll post later.
Off to vacuum.....


Anonymous said...

Ear infection, rash, and teething... but I bet lil' miss Ella Bella is still smiling. What a fantastic lil' girl.

Love Ashty

Doodlebugz said...

Yup, she's still smiling, mostly...What a trooper.

Country Parson said...

All one can say is "Keep on truckin'!" We're glad the advice is that Ella can continue to take the antibiotic. We just hope that she's soon better, and that peace and quiet prevail once more. (Once more? -- I suppose it would be good see a little of it for the first time! Ah well, the buzz and hum certainly bring back memories. These active days do pass.).