Thursday, February 22, 2007

The big snowstorm:

Last week we got a huge dump of snow. They say somewhere between 70 and 80 cm of snow hit our city....Here is what it looked like when we got up in the morning:

This was the view from our patio doors.

From the kitchen window:

The living room window:

The kids had a wonderful time out in the snow:

This was taken from the kitchen window; Paige is almost as high as the window.

Morgan was having too much fun throwing snow in the air to come any closer for a picture.


Country Parson said...

Now that's real snow!

Starfisheez said...

we haven't had that much snow all winter. And Calgary thinks it's the worst winter here in 10 years, what would we do if we got hit with that much at one time?? They'd probably close down the city until the next chinook hit. Higs to all <3