Thursday, November 15, 2007

Morgan's Brownie Enrollment

On November 1, 2007 Morgan was enrolled as a Brownie, by Tiny Owl. ;)

Here is the recipe of how to bake a Brownie:

Here is the oven that the girls were baked in:

And out pops a Brownie, specially baked by Maddison.

Here is Morgan saying her promise and law.

Here is the fully enrolled Brownie!


Anonymous said...

Well Well Morgan where to begin...

You did a SUPER AWESOME job that night and Tiny owl is proud of you lol

Keep up the good work

Love Ashty

Anonymous said...

From your Edmonton Great Aunt - congratulations, Morgan! I hope you have a great time being a Brownie!

Starfisheez said...

Congratulations miss Morgan. I hope you have as much fun being abrownie as I did many, many years ago... Love you!!

Anonymous said...

You sound like a delicious Brownie. I know you will have as much fun as your Mummy and your Aunties did when they were Brownies. Love Nana