Here is my sweet Paigie-Pie, the night she got enrolled in Sparks.
Paige is in her first year of ballet and this picture was taken on one of the very rare occasions that parents get to have a peek at what the children are learning. Ballet is one of Paige's favourite things!
Here's one of all three kids on one of our last hikes before it got cold. This was probably taken around Thanksgiving if memory serves.

Next came little Miss Lucy who was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. We had tentatively adopted another adult cat who was in need of a home but when I took him to our vet - she told me that he had some health issues, and that we had been through enough and she wanted me to take him back. That very morning in the vets, at the front desk in a crate was this very sweet, very tiny black and orange tortoiseshell kitten. She was in need of a home, and I was in need of a happy ending involving a feline, and they gave her to me. After a bit of a scare in the very beginning where I had to force feed her for a few days (she was really very young), she now rules the roost - and thinks that her mother is a Standard Poodle. In fact Lucy doesn't know she is a cat and will come when called - jumping right up into my arms. She is growing like a weed, and is really growing into a very lovely cat. She has picked me as her person which is kind of nice since it has been a very long time since we had a cat that I could claim I belonged to.

She has more than tripled in size since this was taken. When this was taken she weighed 2 lbs 3 oz!!!!!! Teeny tiny!
Next was Miss Morgan's birthday. Eight years old!!! The time is really flying.
For Morgan's birthday this year she got two gerbils. The one in the first picture is named Peppermint.
This one is called Oreo. Oreo is quite the escape artist and has been on exploring expeditions of the kitchen twice now. Luckily she was safely recaptured before Lucy could catch her - much to the kittens dismay!
Christmas was very quiet this year, which was really nice. Ella really understood what was happening this year, and we all had so much fun having her help us to open every gift!
Here is the gingerbread sleigh that they made with Dad on Christmas Eve day.
As promised here are some pictures from Miss Ella's birthday. No longer a baby, but turning into such a lovely little girl!!!!!!
Ashty made her a chocolate pink flower cake as per Ella's request, and it turned out beautifully. We had a very small gathering for Ella's birthday though because we were ALL sick, and nobody wanted to share our germs.
A very rare picture of me, with my birthday girl.
That's all for now - I have two kids to throw into the shower and another one needing pj's.
xoxoxox to all. More to follow soon, as I get back into the groove of things.