Thursday, May 25, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes.....

Wow! It's been ages since I've been able to sit down to post. I have absolutely no time these days. I haven't figured out yet how to type while nursing the baby, so no blogging. She is sleeping in her playpen at the moment though so I am hoping for a few minutes to update.

We went to see the paediatrician last Friday. While we were in the waiting room Paige in her biggest possible voice said: "Mama, is this the grumpy doctor???" Mama replied that no it wasn't the grumpy doctor to which Paige said: "But Mummy, you said she was mean." I could have died!!! Looks like I need to watch what I am saying when I think that little ears aren't listening!!!

The appointment went well though, and the doctor wasn't grumpy or mean, actually she was almost nice to me, and is taking me seriously now. Ella weighed 10 lbs 1 oz!!!! She's getting so big! The doctor said that she was going to call the plastic surgeon to see if she could get some action. Another thing that she mentioned was that she wondered why they weren't planning to do an MRI in the first place. Now I've been calling the surgeon's office every week, not getting anywhere. Her assistant says that she has Ella's papers on her desk and calls the booking department every couple of days..... The other thing was to try and get the appointment with the geneticist booked, which still hasn't happened. Well today I came home from getting Morgan from school to a message on the machine from the surgeon's office. When I called back, her assistant said that the paediatrician had phoned to consult, and that the consensus is that Ella is to have an MRI, and that they would be calling me directly to book but that it could take months. Five minutes later the phone rang and it was the paediatrician herself (which was very awesome of her) phoning to let me know that she had spoken to the actual radiologist and that the appointment would be made within the next month and that I should hear in a couple of weeks; if I don't I am to call her. FINALLY SOME ACTION!!!!!! I know that there is no real emergency, but I would really like to know what we are dealing with.

Morgan and Paige are awesome. They are really enjoying the nice weather and playing outside. Our annual street party was last weekend and they had a great time, especially with the fireworks.

I know that there is more I should be writing about but I am too tired to think straight, hopefully it won't be so long before I get a chance at the computer again.

Morgan's godfather became a Dad for the third time this morning. Welcome to the world!!! Megan Julianna was born at 12:23am (same time as Paige- cool eh?), and weighed 9 lbs 1 oz. Mom and baby doing well reportedly!!! Congratulations you guys, and welcome to the three girl club!!! xxoo


Country Girl said...

I didn't even know he was expecting! There are so many girls around...what was Kev's expression?..."Eostrogen Fest".

Country Parson said...

Don't apoligize for not blogging evey day! It's just lovely to see your news as it comes. But aren't children wonderful! I think they know the best strategic time (from their point of view) to come out with some of these comments!