Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The spay that wasn't and other tales....

What a bunch of cuties. This was from a couple of weeks ago when we got together for dinner.

Little Miss Belle went to the vet on Friday to be spayed. I took her in for 9 am and at about 10:45 got a call from the vets clinic. They had done her pre-surgery blood work and all was well. They had put her out, shaved a strip on her belly, and there was a fairly recent spay scar. I couldn't pick her up until late afternoon though because she had had a general anesthesia. Poor kitty. Here she is sleeping it off; she was still quite stoned when I brought her home. She has had the desired affect on Maggie, who seems much happier to have company. Not to say that there isn't still the occasional hissing....

This picture is a just because picture.

Other than that, everyone is sick still, and I can't wait for winter to end. Okay I know that it just started, but I've had enough!!!! Ella has her hearing test on Friday, so I'll update then.

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